Back-to-School is a Great Time to Begin Self-Employed Housecleaning

Back to School PossibilitiesIf you could work when the kids are in school and be home when they are home, would life be simpler? Better? More do-able?

Being locked into a rigid office job or always checking to see next week’s hourly schedule can add significant stress to family life. Straddling conflicting responsibilities is a no-win.

If you could design your own work schedule, and earn enough per hour to make working fewer hours possible… would that be worth considering?

I stumbled into housecleaning years back when I was single-parenting. My roles as primary caregiver and primary breadwinner were often at odds, and I regularly found myself between the proverbial rock and a hard place. It was the flexibility of Self-Employed Housecleaning that made life ‘do-able’.

It turned out to be a good fit for me. (I prefer jobs that are physically active; I don’t mind working alone; and I have a strong work ethic even when no one is watching.)

But cleaning for money is different than cleaning your own home, and it took some time to figure out how to clean effectively and efficiently. I started this blog to save you time if you’re starting out in housecleaning. Check out the in-depth articles about cleaning basics or how to find your first customers , and keep an eye out for my new eBook ‘Self-Employed Housecleaning’ which outlines everything I wish I knew about cleaning when I got started.

Not everyone is cut out for ‘cleaning for a living’, but there are significant, family-friendly benefits that deserve a look. As always, let me know if you have any questions!

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